
No deals with the far right!

The European Union is built on common values - democracy, rule of law, freedom. But we cannot take these for granted. We’ve seen the damage caused by far right parties in Hungary and Poland in recent years. They’ve targeted media outl...

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No More EU Fossil Subsidies!

Every day, European governments support fossil fuels with more than one billion euros. Over 1 000 000 000 euros, every single day.¹ Meanwhile, the effects of the climate crisis are increasingly tangible, also here in Europe. Fires,...

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End supermarket food waste and cut food prices

Across Europe, the rising cost of food is not just a statistic—it's a harsh reality pushing countless families into poverty. Parents struggle to feed their children, students have to choose between heating and eating, and the elderly a...

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Stop the huge expansion of the Port of Valencia

Don’t allow a key ecosystem in southern Europe and Nature 2000 Network to be destroyed. Let's save the natural park of l'Albufera of Valencia. To: President of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen,Commissioner for the Environment, Ocea...

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Yes means yes!

To: Ministers of Justice of the member states of the Council of Europe In Europe, it’s estimated that about 9 million women, or one in 20, have been raped (1). One in 10 has been sexually assaulted. The statistics for women of colour,...

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Time for a European directive on gender-based violence!

Dear Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Dear Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli, Gender-based violence is a brutal expression of unequal power relations, affecting over a third of all Europeans. Current lockdown measur...

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No to bottom trawl fishing!

To the European Commission: Ban bottom trawl fishing in marine protected areas as part of your upcoming ocean protection action plan, as part of a larger push to protect 30% of oceans by 2030. Bottom trawl fishing is the devastating ...

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End cruel animal transports

To: European Commission, European Parliament, EU Member States Every day, thousands of animals are transported under horrible conditions, throughout Europe and beyond. They are transported to be slaughtered, fattened or used for breed...

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Legalise It, Tax It, Enjoy It

Did you know that cannabis is one of the oldest cultivated plants on Earth? It has been used by humans for thousands of years, in medicine, textiles, rituals and more. Yet, its current legal status and availability varies across countr...

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End tampon tax in the EU!

What are luxury products for you? Is it wine? Maybe watches? Well, in some EU countries, like Denmark or Greece, menstrual products like tampons, pads or cups, are considered "luxurious" while products like shaving razors are considere...

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Help us stop octopus farming! Send a letter to the Government of the Canary Islands

The Eurogroup for Animals recently shared some confidential documents showing the plan for the octopus farm with the BBC. What we learn from it is terrifying. Nueva Pescanova, a Spanish company that is behind this cruel project, plans...

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Stop Corrupt Diplomats Selling Visas!

A massive scandal has been exposed in Europe. The Polish government and Polish diplomats have sold around 250 000 Schengen visas to people from Asia and Africa - for thousands or even tens of thousands of euros each! The Polish gover...

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Protect kids from animal abuse shows

It is not a natural instinct of bulls, chickens or dogs to engage in life-threatening fights against each other. They do not choose to fight. They are made to. By humans. All this pain is for the amusement of spectators or the financi...

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Water Crisis in Europe: Let’s Act Now!

Water is the essence of life. Due to recent droughts triggered by the climate crisis, water reservoirs are at a historical low. Europe is facing its worst drought in 500 years [1]. This means more fires and, in the long term, desertifi...

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Stop mega-polluting private jets

Only 1% of people are responsible for 50% of global aviation emissions. A private jet flight causes 5 to 14 times more CO2 emissions than a regular commercial flight per passenger, and 150 times more than a high-speed rail trip. If ...

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Save the Amazon!

It is not too late to stop logging companies and agricultural firms from destroying the Amazon rainforest. To European Parliament But European Union is about to add fuel to the fire by signing a deal with Brazil, and other South Amer...

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Cross-border abortion access in Europe

Abortion access is a matter of life and death, and ultraconservative governments are robbing it from those who need it across Europe. It's time for citizens and EU governments to step up. 
Abortion access is a human right. 
 We call o...

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Stop dumping toxic waste into our rivers!

European rivers are in a dire state. Some of them are dying right in front of our eyes! The environmental catastrophe on the second biggest river in Poland, the Oder River, caused a mass fish die-off in August 2022. The dumping of wa...

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Time for a 4-day work week

To: European Ministers of Labour and Employment It's time for a 4-day work week. Trials in Iceland and countless studies show a 32-hour week for the same pay improved worker well-being, the health of families, gender equality, pollut...

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No More Excuses! Ratify the Istanbul Convention Now!

35% of women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence. Only in 2020, there were at least 3,762 victims of femicide in Europe. Violence is present in the daily life of women and girls all over the world. Here in Europe, ...

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EU Ministers - NO to Energy Charter Treaty!

In 2022 the fossil fuels industry should have lost its social licence. In order to deliver climate justice, governments should request reparations from these corporations but, instead, they are binding themselves to protect their fossi...

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No Octopus Farms in Europe!

Octopuses are intelligent, they engage in often complex and emotional behaviors, and are undoubtedly an important part of our ecosystem. Yet millions of octopuses are killed for food each year – and the number is rising. In recent year...

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No EU Money For Border Walls!

Where is Christian compassion among Europe’s Christian Democrats? Their leader Manfred Weber keeps parroting the script of the far right. He wants more border walls – paid by the EU. Fortress Europe is not solving Europe’s challenges...

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Save European forests!

Our forests are under threat. Right now, our continent’s last ancient forests are being cut down. Clear-cutting is rampant across Europe. The speed at which heavy harvesters are chopping down Europe's forests demands urgent action from...

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Big polluters should pay your energy bill!

Fossil gas prices are increasing, energy bills are skyrocketing all around Europe, and fossil companies are making massive profits at the expense of households like us. The deep problems of our outdated, dirty, and inefficient energy...

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Homes without people for people without homes!

Our civilisation has managed to send billionaires up to the space for leisure and tourism, but hasn’t succeeded in guaranteeing everybody the basic right to a decent and affordable house yet. For too many people, housing is an impelli...

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Stop Burning usable goods!

Online retailers are sending the planet up in smoke Our current system of production is broken. It is based on a few giant corporations following a model of ultra-fast overproduction, resulting in throwing away billions of usable good...

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Stop the pushbacks at Europe’s borders!

If you ask them for asylum they start laughing at you. When they started laughing at me I thought that asylum does not exist in this country. I felt like a joke. 31-year-old Algerian man, pushed back from Albania to Greece in Decembe...

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Stop mega-polluters profiting from blocking climate action

To European governments, parliaments and EU institutions: Conditions in the little-known Energy Charter Treaty give polluters the ability to sue entire countries if their actions interfere with their profits. The fact that corporatio...

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No Permit for Toxic Glyphosate in Europe

After years of controversy and scandals, in 2017 the European Commission granted a five-year approval for Bayer-Monsanto’s weed killer - glyphosate. This EU-wide permit for glyphosate will expire on 15 December 2022. Over the last few...

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Ban “conversion therapy” in Europe

Across Europe, LGBTI people are being exposed to a horrifying practice, just for being who they are through so-called “conversion therapy”. “Conversion therapy” is an unscientific and homophobic attempt to change LGBTI identities and ...

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Fossil Corporations: Divest From Russia!

European governments are condemning Russia’s war in Ukraine and adopting economic sanctions. One crucial sector is still largely untouched: oil and gas. In order to understand why this sector is so important, let’s consider that in 2...

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Stop empty flights!

As the climate crisis unfolds, there are reports of empty planes flying from one EU airport to another to keep airlines’ take-off and landing rights. Major airlines - such as Brussels Airlines and Lufthansa - claim that they will fly t...

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Stop the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline!

The Nord Stream 2 pipeline is being built in order to transport more gas from Russia to Europe through the Baltic Sea. This would only worsen the impact of climate change and increase Russian leverage vis-à-vis Ukraine and the EU. The ...

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Pay your interns!

Young people are finding it harder and harder to access the labour market after graduating. Far too many young people are caught up in unpaid jobs during the day but then, in order to support themselves, take up paid night time jobs in...

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Stop fur farms!

Mass culling of COVID-19 infected minks is only the latest scandal in the unethical and dangerous-to-humans practice of industrial fur farms[1]. Every year, around 100 million animals are raised and killed for their fur. Over 95% of f...

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#VoteAt16 Everywhere in Europe

Petition to European Member States The climate crisis is here, and young people have the most to lose. Thousands of students around Europe are rising up, striking from school, demanding politicians take concrete action on climate chan...

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Pandora papers: Stop European tax dodging!

To: EU Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and the Capital Markets Union Mairead McGuinness Close the tax loopholes! Ensure member states enforce tax dodging laws, and launch infringement proceedings if they don'...

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Pay transparency now!

Dear European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, We the undersigned call for the immediate introduction of an EU pay transparency directive, necessary to close the all-too-wide gender pay gap. This pay gap varies from country ...

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Time to Change Fast Fashion

Fast fashion is everywhere, and its path of destruction is one of the most atrocious on earth. From systematically exploiting workers, using more carbon than the aviation and shipping industries combined to move the latest trends aro...

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Do no harm: trans bodily autonomy in healthcare!

We all deserve to feel safe and protected by our medical systems, and we all deserve our bodily autonomy. Too many trans people in Europe live in fear of medical systems that threaten their human rights. We're calling on health minist...

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Stop enriching oligarchs with agriculture funds!

To: EU Member States The EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) accounts for over 1/3 of the EU's whole budget. As the largest budget item of the Union, CAP direct payments to farmers play a huge role in shaping agricultural production a...

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Solidarity with LGBTI communities in Poland

Since the summer of 2019, around 100 municipalities and regions in Poland have declared themselves "LGBTI-free". In recent years, ultraconservative forces in Poland - in particular the ruling Law and Justice party and the Polish Cathol...

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We are ready. Why aren’t you?

To: EU Ministers of Environment Dear Minister, The EU helped make history in 2015 when it came to the negotiation table with strong climate intentions, convincing the world to sign up to the Paris Agreement. That hard work could be u...

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Saving lives in not a crime

For 16 days the Search and Rescue ship, Sea Watch 3, was stuck in the Mediterranean, during a heat wave, after rescuing 53 migrants drifting on an inflatable raft off the coast of Libya. The captain of the rescue ship, Carola Rackete,...

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