No deals with the far right!

The European Union is built on common values - democracy, rule of law, freedom. But we cannot take these for granted.

We’ve seen the damage caused by far right parties in Hungary and Poland in recent years. They’ve targeted media outlets. Independent courts. The LGBTI community. Migrants. Only one truth is accepted, and those who challenge it become targets.

The anti-democratic surge is spreading. In the Netherlands, Italy, Croatia, Sweden and Finland, Conservative and Liberal parties have formed parliamentary majorities with the far right. This is extremely alarming for women’s rights, worker’s rights, environmental protection and many other achievements we have fought hard for.

Recent reports have revealed the extent of infiltration by Russia and China in our institutions, undermining our security and sovereignty​. Additionally, violence and threats against political opponents have surged, as seen in the rise of attacks on politicians​. In France and Germany, far right supporters have been linked to extremist plots, threatening our democratic institutions​.

The European elections in June are a milestone for our common European project. More than ever, we need a strong push for more freedoms, more social rights, more climate action. It’s crucial that parties and politicians who claim to stand for democracy and rule of law stop making deals with those set on tearing down our social fabric and fundamental rights.

We call upon the Liberals and Conservatives to stop bringing the far right into power. Our democracy, our freedom and our future is at stake.

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